- Communities. FCT + Aga Khan. Participação como Investigador responsável.
- Factors to Promote healthy dialogue and behaviours in online school communities. DSAIPA/DS/0102/2019. Principal Investigator
- January 2019 – January 2022, member of PTDC/MAT-PUR/31089/2017, Higher Structures and Applications, 239.000 euros. Sponsor: FCT. Partners: IST, ULHT and U. Algarve.
- Management Committee of COST Action Distributed Knowledge Graph
- Smart following systems, Edge Computing and IoT Consortium
- Populism in the Covid-19 era. FCT todos os domínios 2020. Participação como investigador sénior em conjunto com a Professora Susana Salgado (ICS, Universidade de Lisboa). Estado: não recomendado para financiamento
- 3D Democracies: Experimenting Democracy, Deliberation and Decision-making beyond the representation challenges. H2020 (SC6-GOVERNANCE-21-2020). Participação, WP Leader, I.R. Professora Susana Salgado (ICS, Universidade de Lisboa). Estado: em revisão [Manuel Marques-Pita]
- Cultures of (digital) visibility: living of and within (micro)celebrity. FCT todos os domínios 2020. Participação como investigador sénior em conjunto com a Professora Ana Jorge (CICANT, ULHT) como I.R
- Analysis of heterogeneity in the Portuguese Parliament. FCT todos os domínios 2020. Participação como co-investigador responsável em conjunto com a Professora Joana Gonçalves de Sá (LIP, Instituto Superior Técnico).
- FCT project submission: PTDC/EGE-OGE/4496/2020. Sílvia Rebouças; Magnus Emmendoerfer; Carlos Vieira; Gabriel Patrocinio; Luis Martins; Miguel Garcia; Ricardo Oliveira; Tiago Candeias. Tourism Boost Project: From material to immaterial, cultural and creative industries and identifying emerging audiences
- January 2020-December 2020: Principal Investigator, TESLA “disTributEd Secure LocalizAtion”, internal project ULHT, team: Slavisa Tomic, Marko Beko, Sérgio Correia, Marcelo Costa,
- 01/01/2021 to now: Principal Investigator and Project Coordinator of “Artificial Intelligence and Sensor Fusion for Fall Detection in Elderly Population”, Grant Number: COFAC/ILIND/COPELABS/1/2020, total budget: 6.495,08€.
- January 2019 – June 2022, Higher structures and applications, member, local coordinator, IST and ULHT, FCT, 245.000 euros.
- January 2020 – January 2022, Symmetries and Quantization, bilateral project Portugal – Serbia, Principal Investigator, FCT and Serbian Ministry of Science and Technology, 8.000 euros.
- Asaamoning, G., Mendes, P., – Research Grant under the Project UIDB/04111/2020, financed by national funds through FCT/MCTES, under the following conditions: Scientific Area: Telecommunications and Computer Networks. Work plan: Development of new algorithms that allows an efficient exchange of information in Ad Hoc networks composed by a significant number of unmanned aerial devices. The work aim is to bridge the main challenges of this type of networks, namely often disconnections of wireless networks and dynamic typologies. Aiming to face that challenges, the algorithms proposed should support efficient data dissemination between unmanned aerial devices as well as the communication infrastructures in the ground, ensuring at the same time a good performance and scalability. The work includes development of theoretical concepts and their evaluation through experimental methods; development of an approach for the application of algorithms and their evaluation in large-scale experimental environments. Workplace: The work is being carried out at COPELABS, Lusophone University, under the scientific guidance of Professor Paulo Mendes (Lusophone University and Airbus).
- Beko, COST ACTION CA20120 – Intelligence-Enabling Radio Communications for Seamless Inclusive Interactions (INTERACT), desde 2021.
- Beko, IF/00325/2015/CP1275/CT0001 HAMLeT – Hybrid AlgorithMs for Localization and Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks, 50k
- Tomic, Concurso Estímulo ao Emprego Científico Individual – Project name: Designing Secure Localization Systems (ShERLOCk), November 2021
- Alves, Sep 2020 – Jan 2023: Local Coordinator of ERASMUS+ Project “Project INTRO – Introduction to Digital Learning”, partners include Leno (France), Trexima (Slovakia) and Orangehill (Poland)
- Leithardt, Communication model using IoT protocols for UbiPri Middleware Coordenador principal: COFAC/ILIND/COPELABS (Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal) COFAC/ILIND/COPELABS/3/2020
- Silvestre, 2021-2023:Principal Investigator FCT Project FirePuma total budget 229.980,20€
- Ferreira, Technical Coordinator of Direção Geral da Saúde (DGS) project proposal (call SM-N-21-39, DGS) “MentHA Digital – Mental Health and Aging” (DGS-N-21-39-7). Partners include Universidade Lusófona de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar da Universidade do Porto, Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santarém, Instituto de Irmãs Hospitaleiras do Sagrado Coração de Jesus, Casa de Saúde da Idanha, Elo Social, Associação para a integração e apoio ao deficiente jovem e adulto, Associação de apoio aos doentes depressivos e bipolares, total budget: 54.968€
- Rebouças, 02-01-2021 a 01-01-2024: Investigador a 20% do Projeto “CheesOMICs: partindo dos grandes dados, passando pelo laboratório, em direção ao futuro da Denominação de Origem Protegida authEntic cheesoMics: from big data, through labOratory, towards the fuTure of protected desIgnation of OrigiN” (Partners: FMV, IBET, FCUL, ISA) Financiador: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal Financiamento: 249.926,25€
- PTDC/MAT-PUR/31089/2017, Higher Structures and Applications, 239.000, FCT
- FCT foRESTER – Data fusion of sensor networks and fire spread modelling for decision support in forest fire suppression
- FCT CoShare – Coordinated Spectrum Sharing for Opportunistic Access
- FCT HAMLeT – Hybrid AlgorithMs for Localization and Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks
- COPELABS Strategic Project UID/MULTI/04111/2013, UID/MULTI/04111/2016, UID/MULTI/04111/2019. 01.2016-22.05.2019. Principal Investigator