Terá início na próxima semana o Ciclo de Conferências “Tecnologia, Empresa e Sociedade”.
A sessão de abertura será na próxima 4ª feira, dia 16 de Outubro, às 19h00 na sala S.0.10.
Programa da Sessão de Abertura:
- Apresentação da Cadeira de Seminário de Projecto
- Objectivos, conteúdo e métodos de avaliação. Prof. José Rogado
- Apresentação de Projectos de Doutoramento em curso no NEMPS (http://nemps.ulusofona.pt)
- “Cloud Applications, Native Experience”, Prof. Pedro Freire. In a new world of ubiquitous computing devices, porting applications for each mobile platform can be an economically infeasible task. The usual solution to this problem has been to develop Web applications that can be run in every platform, or to use platform-abstraction frameworks, such as Qt, Titanium or PhoneGap. However most mobile devices suffer from limited processing power which will amplify those solutions’ multi-layer architectures’ Achilles’ heel: poor interface responsiveness.
- “Personal Cloud Ecosystem”, Prof. José Faísca. As of today, users collect various experiences in which they store, synchronize, stream and share content on a contextual basis, moving from one device, platform and location to another. A full set of new services are needed, that allow users to safely and seamlessly store, sync, stream and share information, using multiple devices and multiple cloud platforms, collaborating as a distributed and heterogeneous ecosystem.